About Rich

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Get ready to learn more about Rich Ferguson!

Get to know rich and his story

Rich is a regular on network television shows such The Today Show and has won numerous business and entertainment awards. As a creative consultant to popular television shows and fellow entertainers, you’ve probably seen his work but did not know it! Rich is well known for his magic and prank videos on Youtube gaining hundreds of millions of views and millions of followers. 

Rich Ferguson is a proud dad of twins and enjoys an active life outside magic. He stays quite busy as an entrepreneur developing magic and pranks apps, magic books/DVDs and inventing ideas for TV/other entertainers. Due to Rich’s extraordinary background, he is also passionate about helping youth organizations with his Maker Maker motivational program and gives back to organizations such as Big Brothers Big Sisters.

about Rich Ferguson

Rich Ferguson combines an extraordinary ability to read people with comedy, sleight of hand magic and mentalism to perform jaw-dropping entertainment at VIP events globally. Additionally, his unique childhood and observational abilities makes his keynote speaking program on body language more impactful.

From Celebrity and Private Parties to Corporate Events, Rich is trusted to entertain special guests with memorable, sophisticated and interactive entertainment! If you are looking for someone to let loose to engage guests with fun and mind-blowing magic, make your event unforgettable and make you look good, look no further.

As a regular on popular television shows and a creator and producer of numerous best selling products, you know you are getting an experienced professional that guests will rave about for years. Rich is also fun and exciting to work with. In short, Rich is known for Making Events a Jaw-Dropping Success! 

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Fun Facts:

• Featured on Ellen, The Tonight Show, The Today Show, Good Morning America, CNN, ABC NEWS, FOX NEWS and countless others
• Featured in Google’s 2012 Year in Review Zeitgeist video for most searched video list
• NBC Today Show contributor
• America’s Got Talent contestant consultant
• Magician and spokesperson for Big Brothers and Sisters
• Creator of dozens of popular effects and products for the magic community 
• An executive producer of KENOBI: A Star Wars Story

I Bet You Didn’t Know:

• Past U.S. Canoe & Kayak Team competitor
• Didn’t learn to read until 11 years old
• Pull-up record in high school
• Avid Martial Artist
• Was adopted at age 12
• Studied engineering in college
• Did not discovered magic until 26 years old
• Has set 14 world records with cards and coins