Tagged DVD

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Take mentalism to the next level with Tagged. Learn ways to use borrowed books, newspapers & magazines to predict thoughts. Imagine words materializing on a spectators body without them knowing. Exclusively available from Ellusionist! or feel free to support your favorite magic shop or online store!

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Exclusively available from Ellusionist! or feel free to support your favorite magic shop or online store!

Take your mentalism to the next level with Tagged. Learn ways to use borrowed books, newspapers and magazines and predict thoughts. Imagine words materializing on a spectators body without them knowing.

This DVD won Trick of the Year!

NOTE: This is not just a trick DVD, but rather many effects, thinkings, methods and techniques used to tweak people. The “Tagging” seen in previews is just the icing on the cake. This DVD is PACKED with tons of working material that can be used by itself. Think of Tagged as more of a “system” combined with clever tricks and handling. You will get a masters course on mind reading trickery, not a self working gimmick. That message put out there, anyone can handle many of the effects shared on this DVD.

“…This is a HUGE reputation maker. It will CHANGE everything. This, in my opinion, will be one of the greatest effects ever released….” – Ellusionist Forum

There are numerous effects, forces and options with this system. Enjoy!

Although we have a limited supply, you are encouraged to buy this directly through Ellusionist. Use our banner and you might save on your items!

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